House insurance protects your most valuable asset, offering financial protection against unforeseen events such as natural disasters, theft, or damage. By investing in this vital insurance policy, you can safeguard your home, and financial future, creating a foundation of stability for you and your loved ones.

Having house insurance in Greece is vital due to several factors unique to the region. Greece is prone to natural disasters like earthquakes and wildfires, making the need for insurance even more critical. House insurance provides the necessary financial protection in case your property is damaged in such events. Additionally, burglary rates and property crimes are not uncommon in certain areas of Greece, making insurance coverage important for safeguarding your home against theft and vandalism. By having house insurance in Greece, you can mitigate risks specific to the region and ensure that your property and belongings are adequately protected.

What does home insurance cover you?

Earthquake coverage

Greece is the 6th country in the world and the 1st in Europe in earthquake activity. 

Your insurance covers earthquake damages and the total destruction of the property due to an earthquake.

Even in an earthquake-proof house, damages of several thousand euros can be caused.

Fire coverage

Accidental fire damage to your home or your belongings is covered 100%.

Forest, bush, tree fire is covered by your insurance regardless of whether it was caused by an accidental cause or by arson.

Smoke can cause great damage to the property as well as to the contents of the residence. Smoke damage is covered by your insurance policy.

Liability from fire is also covered.

Coverage from natural disasters

Damages caused by natural phenomena are covered.

Flood damages caused by water from rain, river, lake, stream, canal, dam, are covered.

Damages caused by frost, snow, hail, falling trees and falling poles are also covered.

Theft and break-ins coverage

Theft coverage is provided for protection against the loss of personal belongings due to theft or attempted theft. If items are stolen from your property, you may be eligible for compensation up to the specified coverage limit outlined in your policy. To file a claim for theft, you usually need to report the incident to the police and provide a detailed account of the stolen items. The insurance company will then assess the claim and determine the appropriate compensation based on the policy terms and conditions.

Additional coverage

  1. Coverage from malicious actions
  2. Coverage for acts of terrorism, strikes, political disturbances
  3. Coverage for damage caused by aircraft accidents

  4. Vehicle Collision coverage

  5. Coverage for subsidence, landslides 
  6. Coverage for mirrors, glass doors and windows
  7. Coverage for debris removal, temporary accommodation costs and home contents storage transport costs
  8. Coverage for architects, engineers' fees after a destruction, neighboring buildings liability cover, property owner's liability cover
  9. Legal expenses
  10. Coverage for the cost of issuing a new passport, driver's license, work permit, residence permit and Police ID if they are damaged due to covered risks
  11. Coverage for the costs of pumping water from the residence plus liability coverage
  12.  Costs incurred to prevent/limit ongoing damage to your home are covered
  13. Items in a bank safe deposit box are covered against the risks of fire, flood, and theft by break-in or climbing
  14. Coverage for works of art and collections 
  15. Coverage for explosion
  16. Liability coverage

Replacement value term

Anything damaged in the residence will be replaced as new.

This is something very important to be compensated properly. In the event that an object cannot practically be replaced with a new one (because it does not exist) it will be replaced with a new similar object of the same value. The "replacement value with a new one" of course also applies to the damages that will be caused to the content

Yearly premium

For example a house that was built in 2010 and it is 100 squares meters the yearly premium for the buliding and the content will be 238,00 euros

What our customers say


"Jason is an incredibly kind person and very helpful agent. We had just moved to Greece last August and he spoke perfect English and helped us find the right insurance for our children. He met us at home or outside, bought us a coffee and patiently explained the whole process. He even received messages 24 hours a day. I highly recommend him!!"

Tania Goudas



"Perfect approach from Mr. Stefanou with sensitivity and professionalism. He immediately won our trust with his deep knowledge of the subject of insurance and we are sure that he will be by our family's side when we need him."

Maria Galiatsatou



"Jason helped me convert my previous insurance plan into a new, better, more competitive and cheaper one than the previous one! in addition, he makes sure to monitor our customer relationship and keep me informed. the exceptional quality of his office's services literally allows me to sleep much more soundly in the almost 2 years that Jason has been acting as my insurer"

Tasos Ladas



"Our cooperation for a year has been perfect! Both Mr. Iasonas and his partner Anna-Maria are very helpful, immediately available and find a solution to any problem I face. I definitely feel happy about my choice to work with them."

Gefi Giabanni


Why to choose us as your insurance advisors

1.We give you a choice.

We know the terms of insurance policies and the benefits of the policy.

 2.You do not have to spend time filling out many different online applications to get your own comparisons. With our knowledge of the market we can find the best insurance policy adapted on your needs.

3. We are qualified experts. We can explain in simple terms the complexity of insurance, helping you make the right decisions.

 4.We are your personal consultants - Working with you face to face, we become your personal counselor, taking the time to listen to you and to understand your individual needs.

5.We can cover all your insurance needs by providing health, pension, car, housing, civil liability and business insurance services.

  6.We are counselors for a lifetime. We are there to help you through all the changes in your life, and to support you at all times.

At STEFANOU INSURANCE, we are committed to excellence. My name is Jason Stefanou and my qualifications include 30 years of experience in insurance sales and thousands of happy customers. My experience also includes knowledge of life insurance and underwriting.
My daughter Anna Maria Stefanou is also an insurance agent.
We are committed to help you choose the best insurance policy for your needs. We are counselors for a lifetime - we are here to help you through all the changes in your life, and to support you at all times

Jason Stefanou.

Certified insurance Agent +306986696202

Anna Maria Stefanou

Certified insurance Agent
